Physical Science

Physical science is a challenging field of study. Teaching non-biological information and focusing more on theory is the aim of this discipline. Teaching physical science entails non-living systems. Teaching physical science may be in any number of topics. If you are teaching physical science you should first understand the breakdown of the fields that are in the broad category of physical science. Teaching takes a lot of time, patience and dedication. Because of this those teaching physical science must work hard to convey the concepts in their special field of teaching to their students. Physical science teachers can specialize teaching in any one of these fields of study that are listed below. The description of what they will be teaching follows the topic of physical science.
Physical Science Category List
-Astronomy. Teaching this physical science entails study of the planet, stars, galaxies, and the components and properties of each. This is considered a branch of physics. Within this category there are several sub-topics that can be studied specifically.
-Physics. This is a field that strives to understand nature by teaching individuals to apply established principles and concepts. There is quantum, atomic, nuclear and theoretical branches of physics. Usually those who study physics will choose one of these sub-categories to specialize in.
-Chemistry. Another component of physical science would be chemistry or the study of substances, their components and reactions. Teaching this science would provide students with a basic understanding of the elements, composition of substances and interactions that can occur when two substances are combined. These reactions and elements are governed by scientific laws that help to explain their function and process.
-Earth Science. This is a branch of physical science that can be broken down into many other sub-categories. Teaching earth science could be in anything from geological principles of the earth, to meteorological concepts concerning the weather.
Physical science is only the broad definition of what consists of many different topics. Teaching this science, you have several options as to what discipline you would like to specialize in teaching. Any on of these topics will be a challenging field to enter into your lesson plan. The concepts and theories are often difficult to understand at first, but there are ways to help incorporate the facts into a fun and educational lesson plan. You can try to insert difficult concepts into a learning game for your students, in order to help them understand and be able to recall those concepts. The theories that are associated with physics especially, can be extremely difficult to remember and apply. Science principles, laws and theories are similar to any other topic in that practice makes perfect. Students will only be able to retain the information if they are applying the concepts in a way that they can understand their uses. Developing the skills of the students in any of these areas of study will take a lot of time and effort but ultimately make them more aware of the world around them and how the things in it work.

New Ways to Inspire and Challenge Through Science

New Ways to Inspire and Challenge Through Science

Science teachers are always looking for a new way to inspire and challenge their students. No matter what grade, students will most likely respond well to an integrated lesson plan that is both fun and educational. To create a lesson plan as a science teacher you should keep in mind that some of the concepts that you will be covering in each lesson, may not be easy or entertaining for each student. Although there are many interesting facets to science,  there are some difficult concepts that may be hard to convey or spark interest in your students. As a science teacher, if you create an educational plan that will engage the students and make them think, you will be achieving your goals and purpose. Having students ask questions, get involved and provide their thoughts on your lesson plan will really show that the lesson plan you have created is a good one. Here is a science lesson list that may help you to design your own, depending on the age group you are teaching. Mold your science lesson plan to the needs of your students but do not skimp on the material just because you do not think it will interest them.
A science lesson plan can involve anyone of the following topics, but it is not limited to these topics If a teacher is looking to decide what to incorporate into his or her educational plan, they may choose from these broad categories in order to gain an idea of what to teach.
-Science of the human body. A lesson plan can be developed around the human body, how it works, its components and the processes it undergoes in order to function.
-Science of the earth. A lesson plan on geology, or the study of the earth can be created. This lesson plan can cover all the material relating the earth, its components and its changes and what those changes signify.
-Science of the universe. Astrology is another facet of scientific study that can be implemented into an educational plan. Students can map out the universe, study the stars and memorize the planets and their differing atmospheric conditions.
-Science of the atmosphere. Also known as meteorology, this lesson can help students understand atmospheric conditions and changes and understand why they occur. An example would be to have the students build a home made barometer in order to measure atmospheric pressure. By creating this they are better able to understand the scientific concepts associated with the weather and its changes.
-Biological study of animals and plants can also be another plan. The processes and functions that must occur in order for life to grow and develop are discussed here. Students can conduct experiments with plants in order to visualize how plant life develops.
These are just a few general categories that can be implemented into your educational plan. Science is not an easy topic but it can be a fun one. Experiments and fun projects will enable you to convey concepts to students while providing them with educational entertainment

Learning About Science

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Given the financial situations in Greece, Spain, and Portugal in recent weeks, the Euro Zone has plenty of reason to be down on itself. But Poland is showing a bit of financial-sector flash this week, becoming the first nation in Europe to install biometric ATM machines that read fingerprints rather than magnetic cards.

3D Shooting CellPhone Cemera

3D Shooting CellPhone Cemera
Today Sharp announced plans that could turn your cellphone into a 3-D-shooting mini film studio as early as next year. The company today unveiled a mobile-phone 3-D camera capable of shooting in high def.

The module captures 720p stereoscopic (two-eyed) video and is only about two inches wide. To put that in perspective: Fuji's 3-D camera uses much larger, heavier sensors and only records standard-def video.

Bioelectic Nanotube Transistor

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History of science

Science is a body of empirical, theoretical, and practical knowledge about the natural world, produced by researchers making use of scientific methods, which emphasize the observation, explanation, and prediction of real world phenomena by experiment. Given the dual status of science as objective knowledge and as a human construct, good historiography of science draws on the historical methods of both intellectual history and social history.

Tracing the exact origins of modern science is possible through the many important texts which have survived from the classical world. However, the word scientist is relatively recent—first coined by William Whewell in the 19th century. Previously, people investigating nature called themselves natural philosophers.

While empirical investigations of the natural world have been described since classical antiquity (for example, by Thales, Aristotle, and others), and scientific methods have been employed since the Middle Ages (for example, by Ibn al-Haytham, Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī and Roger Bacon), the dawn of modern science is generally traced back to the early modern period, during what is known as the Scientific Revolution that took place in 16th and 17th century Europe.

Scientific methods are considered to be so fundamental to modern science that some — especially philosophers of science and practicing scientists — consider earlier inquiries into nature to be pre-scientific. Traditionally, historians of science have defined science sufficiently broadly to include those inquiries.[